


I am not sure how to formulate this question scientifically exact, so I am just going to show you an example.

我在 StateT 变压器中使用状态。底层是 IO 。在 StateT IO 操作中,我需要使用 alloca 。但是,我不能提取 alloca StateT IO ,因为它期望类型为的参数。 (Ptr a - > IO a),而我要求它使用参数(Ptr a - > StateT IO MyState a)

I am using state in a StateT transformer. Underlying is IO. Inside the StateT IO operation I need to use alloca. However, I can't lift alloca to StateT IO because it expects an argument of type (Ptr a -> IO a) while I require it to work with an argument of (Ptr a -> StateT IO MyState a).

(然而,这是一个关于monad转换器的通用问题,而不是特定于 IO StateT alloca 。)

(However, this is a generic question about monad transformers rather than specific to IO, StateT or alloca.)


I came up with the following, working solution:

-- for reference
-- alloca :: (Storable a) => (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b

allocaS :: (Storable a) => (Ptr a -> StateT s IO b) -> StateT s IO b
allocaS f = do
  state <- get
  (res, st) <- liftIO $ alloca $ \ptr -> (runStateT (f ptr) state)
  put st
  return res

然而,我认为我应该不得不重构和重构 StateT 动作,以便将它与 alloca 。此外,我已经多次看到这种模式的一些变化,并不总是像 StateT 那样简单和安全。

However, it seems wrong to me that I should have to de- and reconstruct the StateT action in order to use it with alloca. Also, I have seen this pattern in some variations more than once and it's not always as simple and safe as here with StateT.


Is there a better way to do this?


这可以使用中的code> ,已设计正是为此:

This can be accomplished using MonadBaseControl in monad-control, which has been devised exactly for this purpose:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as F
import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Alloc as F
import qualified Foreign.Storable as F

alloca :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, F.Storable a) => (F.Ptr a -> m b) -> m b
alloca f = control $ \runInIO -> F.alloca (runInIO . f)

这个增强版本的 alloca 可以用于任何实现 MonadBaseControl 的基于 IO 的monad堆栈,包括 StateT s IO

This enhanced version of alloca can be used with any monad stack based on IO that implements MonadBaseControl, including StateT s IO.

MonadBaseControl 的实例允许其monadic值为编码在基本monad中(这里 IO ),传递给基本monad中的函数(如 F.alloca )然后重新构建它们。

Instances of MonadBaseControl allow their monadic values to be encoded in the base monad (here IO), passed to a function in the base monad (like F.alloca) and then reconstruct them back.


套餐包含许多标准的 IO 函数提升到 MonadBaseControl IO ,但是 alloca 不在(其中)。

Package lifted-base contains many of the standard IO functions lifted to MonadBaseControl IO, but alloca isn't (yet) among them.


07-22 20:37