


As per Preact documentation, to convert a React app to Preact you have to alias webpack:

  "resolve": {
    "alias": {
      "react": "preact-compat",
      "react-dom": "preact-compat"

如何使用 create-react-app 执行此操作,因为这会将webpack隐藏在react-scripts依赖下?

How can you do this with create-react-app since that hides webpack under react-scripts dependency?




Might be outdated but I was facing something similar and found out:

  1. 有一个 preact-cli ,它可以创建没有任何模块捆绑器的preact应用程序.这是为preact应用创建启动程序的推荐工具.
  1. There's preact-cli which allows to create preact apps without any module bundlers. It's the recommended tool to create starters for preact apps.

要安装: npm install -g preact-cli
要创建项目,请执行以下操作: preact create<模板名称><项目名称>
创建选项的详细信息: preact create -h (例如-yarn )

To install: npm install -g preact-cli
To create project: preact create <template-name> <project-name>
Details of create options: preact create -h (e.g. --yarn)
List of available templates: preact list

当心:一些模板,例如资料,使用的是旧版本的preact 8 .. ,其中最新的是 10 .. (默认模板使用最新的)

Watch out for: some templates, e.g. material, are using older version of preact 8.. where the newest is 10.. (the default template uses the newest)

  1. 使用 create-react-app 制作Preact应用的解决方案是:
  1. The solution for using create-react-app to make Preact app is:
npx install -g create-react-app

npx create-react-app my-app --scripts-version @just-boris/preact-scripts
cd my-app

create-react-app 所使用的依赖项仍指向响应,因此需要在根应用程序文件夹下运行:

The dependencies used by create-react-app are still pointing to react, so under root application folder it's required to run:

npm uninstall react react-dom
npm install preact
//before this take a look at your preact dependency version (more info below)
npm install preact-compat

可以使用 add 作为安装程序,以及 remove 作为卸载程序,使用 yarn 调用卸载和安装命令.

The uninstall and install command can be called with yarn using add as install and remove as uninstall.

从Preact X开始,不需要 preact-compact 依赖项,因为它与 preact 本身捆绑在 preact/compact 下,因此不需要如果您的Preact版本是 10 .. .
,则需要单独安装它.两个 compact 依赖项都包含React或ReactDOM之类的元素组件.

Since Preact X. there's no need for preact-compact dependency because it's bundled with the preact itself under preact/compact, so no need to install it separately if you Preact version is 10...
Both compact dependencies are containing elements components like React or ReactDOM.

有关 preact-cli 的更多信息可以在这里找到:

More info about preact-cli can be found here:

第二点,此处记录了 create-react-app 的一种解决方法:

The second point, a workaround for create-react-app is documented here:

正式官方文档: https://preactjs.com/guide/v10/getting-started
还有一节介绍如何从 8 .. 升级到 10 .. .

Preact official docs: https://preactjs.com/guide/v10/getting-started
There's also a section how to upgrade from 8.. to 10...

我个人在将此类组件移植到使用 preact-cli 创建的Preact应用中时遇到问题.我会再尝试一次,并在需要时尝试提供更多详细信息.

The app created with 2nd approach started seamlessly but I didn't try importing any complex/advanced React components.
Personally I had issues porting such components into Preact app created with preact-cli. I'll take another tries and try to provide more details if needed.


05-25 08:23