I am trying to insert values from a multi select drop down in a form to a mysql db column. For example: The drop down would have one or more choices chosen then when the form is posted it would insert the data into one column in a mysql db. I'm stuck at how to insert the data.
如果你想在单行插入那么你可以使用破灭()来生成逗号分隔的数据,或者你可以做json_en code()和添加到您的柱。
If you want to insert in single row then you can use implode() to generate comma separated data, or you can do json_encode() and add to your colum.
$data = array("one", "two", "tree");
// output one, two, three
$insert_data = implode(",", $data);
$insert_data = json_encode($data);
这就是在单个列插入数据。当检索你可以做爆炸()或json_de code()来获取返回的数据,并可以在使用它们再次多选择。
Thats for inserting data in single column. While retrieving you can do explode() or json_decode() to get the return data and can use them in the multi-select again.
If you want one row for each item then just loop through the array and add them