我正在测试 S3 Select ,我从示例中了解到,您可以将单个对象(CSV或JSON)视为数据存储.
I'm testing out S3 Select and as far as I understand from the examples, you can treat a single object (CSV or JSON) as a data store.
I wanted to have a single JSON document per S3 object and search the entire bucket as a 'database'. I'm saving each 'file' as <ID>.json
and each file has JSON documents with the same schema.
是否可以在单个调用中搜索多个对象?即找到所有JSON文档where customerId = 123
Is it possible to search multiple objects in a single call? i.e. Find all JSON documents where customerId = 123
它出现 ,表明Amazon S3 Select仅对一个对象进行操作.
It appears that Amazon S3 Select operates on only one object.
您可以使用 Amazon Athena 跨路径运行查询,该查询将包括该路径中的所有文件.它还支持分区.
You can use Amazon Athena to run queries across paths, which will include all files within that path. It also supports partitioning.
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