

我有一个类似的问题,我写得不好,所以现在我希望以更清晰的方式提出这个问题:我已经使用Jhipster和Keycloak生成了一个项目(遵循本教程: https://developer.okta.com/blog/2018/06/25/react-spring-boot-photo-gallery-pwa ).直到我要打开https之前,它都可以正常工作.因此,请在Keycloak管理面板中说,我选择所有请求都需要https".然后,当我登录时,出现一个错误页面,显示"https required".

I have a similar question, which was poorly written by me and so now I put the question in a clearer way hopefully: I have generated a project using Jhipster and Keycloak (follow this tutorial: https://developer.okta.com/blog/2018/06/25/react-spring-boot-photo-gallery-pwa). It works fine until I want to turn on https. So say in the keycloak admin panel, I choose 'all request need https'. And then when I login, I get an error page saying "https required".


My question is, what exactly should I do to make https works now? Since keycloak is 'embedded' in jhipster, so I pretty much only have keycloak.yml, application.yml and a few configuration files I can play with. Anyone got into the same or similar issue before? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!



Not sure why my post is down voted. I asked a similar question, but that one was poorly written and cannot let the reader get what the question is precisely. So I write this question in a more clear way as I think. And this is a good question in my opinions, because Jhipster uses Keycloak, but most tutorials now only talk about how to get the project http, not https. And Keycloak tutorial about https only applies if you installs and maintains a standalone Keycloak server, not like Jhipter which has the bin of Keycloak and only allows us to play with the keycloak.yml. And if we can figure out how to do https on this one, it will help others who are also using Jhipster and applying Keycloak.


I cann't think of any reason that may down vote this post. If there is, please let me know and I can learn.


08-26 05:06