


Disclaimer: The shown problem is much more general than I expected first. The example below is taken from a solution to another question. But now I was taking this sample for solving many problems more - mostly related to time series (have a look at the "Linked" section in the right bar).


So I am trying to explain the problem more generally first:

我正在使用PostgreSQL,但是我确信这个问题在支持DBMS的其他窗口功能(MS SQL Server,Oracle等)中也存在。


Window functions can be used to group certain values together by a common attribute or value. For example you can group rows by a date. Then you are able to calculate the max value within every single date or an average value or counting rows or whatever.

这可以通过定义 PARTITION 。按日期分组将与 strong>?

The question is: How to get the group ids with respect to the order by ts?

编辑:我在下面添加了自己的解决方案,但是我对此感到非常不舒服它。似乎太复杂了。 我想知道是否有更好的方法来达到这个结果。

I added an own solution below but I feel very uncomfortable with it. It seems way too complicated. I was wondering if there's a better way to achieve this result.



I came up with this solution by myself (hoping someone else will get a better one):

  1. order通过 ts

  2. 给出下一个 val 值,并带有 lag 窗口函数()

  3. 检查下一个和当前值是否相同。然后我可以打印出 0 或 1

  4. 这些总和有序 SUM 的值。这将生成我要寻找的组。他们将 val 列分组,但是通过 ts 列确保排序。

  1. order by ts
  2. give out the next val value with the lag window function (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/tutorial-window.html)
  3. check if the next and the current values are the same. Then I can print out a 0 or a 1
  4. sum up these values with an ordered SUM. This generates the groups I am looking for. They group the val column but ensure the ordering by the ts column.


    SUM(is_diff) OVER (ORDER BY ts)
        CASE WHEN val = lag(val) over (order by ts) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as is_diff
    FROM test


ts       val     is_diff   sum
100000   50      1         1
130100   30050   1         2
160100   60050   1         3
190200   100     1         4
220200   30100   1         5    \ group
250200   30100   0         5    /
300000   300     1         6
500000   100     1         7
550000   1000    1         8    \ group
600000   1000    0         8    /
650000   2000    1         9    \
700000   2000    0         9    | group
720000   2000    0         9    /
750000   300     1         10


08-18 18:59