我有一个Excel AddIn。 我在单元格上下文菜单中添加了2个上下文菜单项。
I have an Excel AddIn. I add 2 context menu items in cell context menu.
When you right click a cell, based on the formula of the cell, one context menu item will be disabled.
I did this in sheetSelectionChangeEvent
这在Excel 2003,2007和2010中工作正常,但它在Excel 2013中不起作用。
This works fine in Excel 2003, 2007 and 2010 but it does not work in Excel 2013.
private void ApplicationSheetSelectionChange(COMObject sh,Range target)
DisableMenubarsButtonsWRibbon(XLApp.Selection as Range);
private void ApplicationSheetSelectionChange(COMObject sh, Range target)
DisableMenubarsButtonsWRibbon(XLApp.Selection as Range);
public void DisableMenubarsButtonsWRibbon(Range rng)
var formula = rng.Formula as string;
if(formula is function1)
_contextMenuItem1.Enabled = true;
_contextMenuItem2.Enabled = false;
else if(formula is function2)
_contextMenuItem1.Enabled = false;
_contextMenuItem2.Enabled = true;
_contextMenuItem1.Enabled = true;
_contextMenuItem2。 Enabled = true;
public void DisableMenubarsButtonsWRibbon(Range rng)
var formula = rng.Formula as string;
if(formula is function1)
_contextMenuItem1.Enabled = true;
_contextMenuItem2.Enabled = false;
else if(formula is function2)
_contextMenuItem1.Enabled = false;
_contextMenuItem2.Enabled = true;
_contextMenuItem1.Enabled = true;
_contextMenuItem2.Enabled = true;
Peace & Joy
如何添加上下文菜单?我为Excel 2013编写了一个示例来演示如何启用和禁用下面的上下文菜单按钮,每次更改工作表时,如果禁用该按钮将启用该按钮,反之亦然:
How do you add the context menu? I wrote a sample for Excel 2013 to demonstrate how to enable and disable the context menu button like below, every time I change the sheet, the button will enable if it is disable and vice versa:
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Application.SheetChange += Application_SheetChange;
CommandBarControl cbc1 = AddCellContextButton("button1");
void Application_SheetChange(object Sh, Excel.Range Target)
CommandBar cellbar = Application.CommandBars["Cell"];
foreach (CommandBarControl cbc in cellbar.Controls)
if (cbc.Caption == "button1")
cbc.Enabled = !cbc.Enabled;
private CommandBarControl AddCellContextButton(string caption)
CommandBar cellbar = Application.CommandBars["Cell"];
CommandBarControl cbc1 = cellbar.Controls.Add(MsoControlType.msoControlButton);
CommandBarButton btn1 = (cbc1 as CommandBarButton);
btn1.Caption = "button1";
return cbc1;
Would you mind sharing your small sample to reproduce the issue? You can update it throughSkydrive.
这篇关于Excel 2013中的动态禁用/启用自定义上下文菜单不起作用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!