部署后,我正在使用WatiN库在网站上进行快速冒烟测试.除其他外,我想确保当我单击页面上的特定链接时,会在浏览器中打开PDF.单击链接很容易,但是如何检测Acrobat Reader是否已在浏览器窗口中成功打开?我想捕获404,服务器错误或超时等情况.
I am using WatiN library to do a quick smoke test on a web site after deployment. Among other things, I want to make sure that when I click on a specific link on my page, a PDF is opened in the browser. Clicking the link is easy, but how can I detect if Acrobat Reader was successfully opened in the browser window? I would like to catch situations like 404, server errors, or time-outs...
I found one bug report and one feature request on this issue. Both the bug and feature request are closed but I am still not able to attach to a IE window that is hosting a PDF document.
In fact the window that is hosting the PDF file is not even an item in the IE.InternetExplorers() or the InternetExplorersNoWait() collections.
我正在Windows XP上使用WatiN和IE7.
I'm using WatiN and IE7 on Windows XP.
My solution was to use add a COM reference to Interop.ShDocVw.dll and check for the window myself since IE windows that host PDF viewers are not items in the WatiN.IE.InternetExplorers() collection for some reason.
请勿通过使用添加引用-> COM-> Microsoft Internet控件v1.1添加对Interop.ShDocVw.dll的引用.如果这样做,您很有可能会收到此异常:
Do NOT add a reference to Interop.ShDocVw.dll by using Add Reference -> COM -> Microsoft Internet Controls v1.1. If you do theres a good chance you'll recieve this exception:
相反,您需要引用随WatiN一起分发的ShDocVw.dll.查看"WatiN错误无法加载程序集" StackOverflow问题以获取更多信息: WatiN错误无法加载程序集
Instead you need to reference the ShDocVw.dll thats distributed with WatiN. Check out the 'WatiN Error Could not Load Assembly' StackOverflow question for more info:WatiN Error Could not Load Assembly
using System.IO;
using SHDocVw;
namespace PDF_SPIKE
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SHDocVw.ShellWindows shellWindows = new SHDocVw.ShellWindowsClass();
string pdfViewerURL = "http://YourURL/document.pdf";
bool pdfOpened = false;
string filename;
foreach ( SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ie in shellWindows )
filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( ie.FullName ).ToLower();
if ( filename.Equals("iexplore") && ie.LocationURL.Equals(pdfViewerURL))
pdfOpened = true;
if ( pdfOpened )
Console.WriteLine( "Your PDF file is OPENED" );
Console.WriteLine( "Your PDF file was NOT found." );