


These days, I have been reading a lot the C++ F.A.Q and especially this page.


Reading through the section I discovered a "technique" that the author calls "exception dispatcher" that allows someone to group all his exception handling in one handy function:

void handleException()
  try {
    throw; // ?!
  catch (MyException& e) {
    //...code to handle MyException...
  catch (YourException& e) {
    //...code to handle YourException...

void f()
  try {
    //...something that might throw...
  catch (...) {

> throw; 语句:如果你考虑给定的例子,那么肯定,它是显而易见的:它重新抛出异常首先捕获在 f()

What bothers me is the single throw; statement: if you consider the given example then sure, it is obvious what it does: it rethrows the exception first caught in f() and deals with it again.

但是如果我自己调用 handleException() catch()子句执行它?是否有任何指定的行为?

But what if I call handleException() on its own, directly, without doing it from a catch() clause ? Is there any specified behavior ?

此外,对于奖励积分,是否有任何其他奇怪(可能不是好词)使用 / code>您知道吗?

Additionally for bonus points, is there any other "weird" (probably not the good word) use of throw that you know of ?



如果你自己做一个 throw; ,并且没有当前的异常重新抛出,那么程序突然结束。 (更具体地说, terminate()被调用。)

If you do a throw; on its own, and there isn't a current exception for it to rethrow, then the program ends abruptly. (More specifically, terminate() is called.)

是重新抛出当前异常的唯一安全方式 - 它不等于

Note that throw; is the only safe way to re-throw the current exception - it's not equivalent to

catch(exception const& e){throw e; }


10-27 13:23