HTH, - J。[...] I assume you have ruled out all custom exceptions that have decided not to derive from std::exception? Try running the program in gdb, when it stops do a backtrace with the "bt" command and see which function is immediately before (in time), that is below (in the printout), something that resembles a "throw". HTH, - J. 很抱歉打扰你。我有: throw(MyStuff); 而不是: 抛出MyException(MyStuff); 我对它编译感到惊讶。 Mike。 Sorry to trouble you with a typo. I had:throw(MyStuff);instead of:throw MyException(MyStuff); I am surprised that it compiled. Mike. 为什么?你几乎可以抛出一切。实际上,我想不到你不能扔的任何东西。 问候 - jb (rot13中的回复地址,先解读) Why? You can throw pretty much everything. Actually, I cannot thinkof anything you cannot throw. regards--jb (reply address in rot13, unscramble first) 这篇关于抓住了非std异常的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-11 08:48