本文介绍了TypeError:object .__ new __(int)不安全,请使用int .__ new __()的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



While reading this: What is a metaclass in Python?, I am learning to use __new__ using the following snippet:-

class a(object):



There could be some problem in calling __new__ using a.. But, I get the following error, the meaning of which I do not understand:-

TypeError: object.__new__(int) is not safe, use int.__new__()


If there is something to do with the usage of __new__, I can ammend that by reading some books. But, can someone please explain why this message comes:

object.__new__(int) is not safe, use int.__new__()


简单地放入2.6之前的版本-object.__new__ 被忽略的参数...现在它实际上可以对它们起作用.因此,警告是可能会发生一些不同的事情.

Put simply, prior to 2.6 - object.__new__ ignored arguments... Now it actually may do something with them... So the warning is that something different may happen.


This post Any ideas about the best work around for __new__ losing its arguments? - has a much more detailed explanation.

您可能还希望查看 http://docs.python.org /library/functions.html#type

知道Python中所有 meta 的功能都是很棒的,但是作为警告,我不会对此太挂念-因为我已经看到了一些非常聪明"的东西解决方案,那只是怪兽...

Knowing what's possible with all the meta stuff in Python is great, but just as a warning, I wouldn't get too hung up about it - as I've seen some really "clever" solutions, that are just monstrosities...

这篇关于TypeError:object .__ new __(int)不安全,请使用int .__ new __()的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 16:45