本文介绍了如何访问numpy ndarray的元素?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm using scipy's loadmat function to load a matlab data file into python.

from scipy.io import loadmat

data   = loadmat('data.mat')
fields = data['field']


print 'fields type={}'.format(type(fields))
print 'fields dtype={}'.format(fields.dtype)
print 'fields shape={}'.format(fields.shape)
fields type=<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
fields dtype=object
fields shape=(5,)


for x in np.nditer(fields, flags=['refs_ok']):
    print 'x={}'.format(x)
    print 'x type={}'.format(type(x))
    print 'x dtype={}'.format(x.dtype)
    print 'x shape={}'.format(x.shape)
x type=<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
x dtype=object
x shape=()



If I try to access the first element of x I get an IndexError:

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-102-8c374ae22096> in <module>()
     17     print 'type={}'.format(type(x))
     18     print 'dtype={}'.format(x.dtype)
---> 19     x[0]
     20     break

IndexError: too many indices for array


  • 为什么type(x)返回nump.ndarray却说数组索引太多"?
  • 如何将x的内容提取到字符串中?
  • How come, if type(x) returns nump.ndarray it says "too many indices for array"?
  • How can I extract the contents of x into a string?


print 'python version: {}'.format(sys.version)
print 'numpy version: {}'.format(numpy.__version__)
print 'scipy version: {}'.format(scipy.__version__)
python version: 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13)
[GCC 4.8.2]
numpy version: 1.11.0
scipy version: 0.17.1



Without looking at your errors in detail I can point out some pitfalls.


The .mat will contain MATLAB matrices (always 2d or higher), cells and structures.

loadmat以各种方式呈现它们.有些字典必须按名称索引.有对象数组(dtype = object).并且有nd数字或字符串数​​组.您可能需要遍历多个级别才能获得数字数组.

loadmat renders those in various ways. There are dictionaries that you have to index by name. There are object arrays (dtype=object). And there are nd numeric or string arrays. You may have to work through several levels to get at the numeric array.


Check the 'shape' (size) of an array and its 'dtype'. If shape is () and dtype object, then extract it with y=x[()].


Here's an example of such a 0d object array:

In [4]: y=np.arange(3)

In [5]: x=np.empty((), dtype=object)
In [6]: x[()]=y

In [7]: x
Out[7]: array(array([0, 1, 2]), dtype=object)

In [8]: x.shape
Out[8]: ()

In [9]: x.dtype
Out[9]: dtype('O')

In [10]: x[0]
IndexError: too many indices for array

In [11]: x[()]
Out[11]: array([0, 1, 2])


x is a 0d array (x.ndim), so it must be indexed with a 0 element tuple, (). For a MATLAB programmer that can seem odd.

numpy(通常为Python)中,x[a,b,c]x[(a,b,c)]ind=(a,b,c); x[ind]相同.换句话说,[]中的参数应理解为值的元组. (1,2)是2个元素的元组,(1,)是一个元素((1)只是一个分组),()是0个元素的元组.因此,x[()]只是常规nd索引符号的扩展.这不是特例.

In numpy (Python in general), x[a,b,c] is the same as x[(a,b,c)] and ind=(a,b,c); x[ind]. In other words, the arguments in [] are understood to be a tuple of values. (1,2) is a 2 element tuple, (1,) is one element ( (1) is just a grouping), and () is a 0 element tuple. So x[()] is just an extension of the regular nd indexing notation. It isn't a special case.

这篇关于如何访问numpy ndarray的元素?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 23:58