本文介绍了在 TypeScript 中,“extends keyof"是做什么的?和“in keyof"意思?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 TypeScript 中,某些类型是使用 extends keyofin keyof 定义的.我试图理解它们的意思,但到目前为止我没有成功.

In TypeScript, some types are defined using extends keyof or in keyof. I have tried to understand what they mean, but so far I didn't succeed.

我得到的是 keyof 单独返回一个联合类型,该类型将所有名称作为可能的值存在于您在 keyof 之后指定的类型上的属性名称中.

What I got is that keyof alone returns a union type which has all the names as possible values that are existent as property names on the type that you specify after keyof.

type T = keyof string;

T 因此等价于 startsWith |结束于 |修剪 |子串 |....


现在,如果我尝试思考 extends keyofin keyof 是什么意思,我的直觉是这样的:

Now, if I try to think about what extends keyof and in keyof mean, my gut feeling says the following:

  • extends keyof 是从 T 派生的任何类型,即它具有所有这些可能的值,但可能更多.
  • in keyof 是从 T 中获取值的任何类型,但不一定是全部(可能,但可能更少).
  • extends keyof is any type that derives from T, i.e. it has all these possible values, but maybe more.
  • in keyof is any type that takes values from T, but not necessarily all of them (it's possible, but maybe less).

因此,从这个 POV extends keyof 将描述一个 >= 关系,in keyof 将描述一个 <= 关系.这样对吗?如果不是,什么是正确的?

So, from this POV extends keyof would describe a >= relation, in keyof would describe a <= relation. Is this correct? If not, what would be correct?


对于任何类型 Tkeyof T 的已知公共属性名称的并集>T.

For any type T, keyof T is the union of known, public property names of T.


interface Person {
  age: number;
  name: string;

type PersonKeys = keyof Person; // "age" | "name"

您假设 keyof string 产生 startsWith |结束于 |修剪 |... 因此是正确的.您可以在 查找类型发行说明.

Your assumption that keyof string yields startsWith | endsWith | trim | ... is therefore correct. You can learn more about it in the lookup type release notes.

extends 用于 限制泛型参数的类型.示例:

K 因此只能是T 的公共属性名称.它与扩展类型或继承无关,与 扩展相反接口.

K can therefor only be a public property name of T. It has nothing to do with extending a type or inheritance, contrary to extending interfaces.

extends keyof 的用法如下:

function getProperty<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K): T[K] {
  return obj[key];

const person: Person = {
  age: 22,
  name: "Tobias",

// name is a property of person
// --> no error
const name = getProperty(person, "name");

// gender is not a property of person
// --> error
const gender = getProperty(person, "gender");


in 用于定义 索引签名,我们想用字符串、数字或符号文字的联合输入.结合keyof,我们可以使用它来创建所谓的映射类型,它重新映射原始类型的所有属性.

in is used when we're defining an index signature that we want to type with a union of string, number or symbol literals. In combination with keyof we can use it to create a so called mapped type, which re-maps all properties of the original type.

in keyof 的用法如下:

type Optional<T> = {
  [K in keyof T]?: T[K]

const person: Optional<Person> = {
  name: "Tobias"
  // notice how I do not have to specify an age,
  // since age's type is now mapped from 'number' to 'number?'
  // and therefore becomes optional


有趣的事实:我们刚刚构建的 Optional 类型具有与官方 部分实用程序类型!

这篇关于在 TypeScript 中,“extends keyof"是做什么的?和“in keyof"意思?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 07:21