

下面是我的应用程序的基本生命周期。它现在的目标SDK版本8,因为我还在我的设备上运行Android 2.3.3。

Here is the basic life cycle of my application. It targets SDK version 8 by now, since I am still running Android 2.3.3 on my device.

  • 应用程序启动时, onResume()是所谓的结果

  • 后台服务得到启动其下载和存储数据。它采用的AsyncTask 实例来完成其工作。

  • 一个任务商店在SQLite数据库中下载的数据。

  • 广播意图在 onPostExecute发送()当存储的任务已经完成。

  • MapActivity 接收的意图和处理它。结果

  • The application starts, onResume() is called
    The method show() is called to display cached data.
  • A background service gets started which downloads and stores data. It uses AsyncTask instances to accomplish its work.
  • One of the tasks stores downloaded data in a SQLite database.
  • A broadcast intent is sent in onPostExecute() when the storing task has finished.
  • The MapActivity receives the intent and handles it.
    The method show() is called to display cached and new data.


Within the method show() the map view gets invalidated after the overlay has been added. This works fine when show() has been called from the MapActivity itself. It raises an exception, however, when the asynchonous task is the source of the method call (indirectly).

据我了解,我在这两种情况下的 UI线程当我触发显示()。这是真的吗?

As far as I understand, I am at the UI thread when I trigger show() in both cases. Is this true?

    public class CustomMapActivity extends MapChangeActivity {

        private boolean showIsActive = false;

        private BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
            public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
                if (intent.getAction().equals(IntentActions.FINISHED_STORING)) {

        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            registerReceiver(mReceiver, new IntentFilter(IntentActions.FINISHED_STORING));

        protected void onResume() {

        protected void onMapZoomPan() {

        protected void onMapPan() {

        protected void onMapZoom() {

        private void onFinishedStoring(Intent intent) {
            Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
            if (extras != null) {
                boolean success = extras.getBoolean(BundleKeys.STORING_STATE);
                if (success) {

        private void loadData() {
            // Downloads data in a AsyncTask
            // Stores data in AsyncTask

        private void show() {
            if (showIsActive) {
            showIsActive = true;
            Uri uri = UriHelper.getUri();
            if (uri == null) {
                showIsActive = false;
            Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null);
            if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                List<Overlay> mapOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();
                CustomItemizedOverlay overlay = ItemizedOverlayFactory.getCustomizedOverlay(this, cursor);
                if (overlay != null) {
            mapView.invalidate(); // throws CalledFromWrongThreadException
            showIsActive = false;



Here is the stack trace ...

android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
    at android.view.ViewRoot.checkThread(ViewRoot.java:3020)
    at android.view.ViewRoot.invalidateChild(ViewRoot.java:647)
    at android.view.ViewRoot.invalidateChildInParent(ViewRoot.java:673)
    at android.view.ViewGroup.invalidateChild(ViewGroup.java:2511)
    at android.view.View.invalidate(View.java:5332)
    at info.metadude.trees.activities.CustomMapActivity.showTrees(CustomMapActivity.java:278)
    at info.metadude.trees.activities.CustomMapActivity.onMapPan(CustomMapActivity.java:126)
    at info.metadude.trees.activities.MapChangeActivity$MapViewChangeListener.onChange(MapChangeActivity.java:50)
    at com.bricolsoftconsulting.mapchange.MyMapView$1.run(MyMapView.java:131)
    at java.util.Timer$TimerImpl.run(Timer.java:284)


Note: I use the MapChange project in order to receive notifications on map events.


从我现在阅读文档中有关的AsyncTask (向下滚动了一下),我不知道如果我使用它的正确方法。从服务类中为previously提到我开始的AsyncTask 实例。在相反,文档指出...

From what I now read in the documentation about AsyncTask (scroll down a bit), I am not sure if I use it the correct way. As previously mentioned I start AsyncTask instances from within a Service class. In contrary, the documentation states ...


......这听起来好像的AsyncTask 只应活动中使用 A <$ C内不$ C>服务?!

... which sounds as if AsyncTask should only be used within an Activity not within a Service?!


原因你的崩溃是因为你正在使用的MapChange库的实现方式。引擎盖下,该库使用定时的TimerTask 的实施推迟发射的变化事件,并减少呼叫数量的应用程序获取到 onMapChanged()。但是,您可以从定时的文档看到它运行其任务创建的线程:

The reason for your crash is because of the way that the MapChange library you are using is implemented. Under the hood, this library uses Timer and TimerTask implementations to delay firing the change event and reduce the number of calls your application gets to onMapChanged(). However, you can see from the docs on Timer that it runs its tasks in created threads:


由于MapChange库无助于确保回调发布到你的主线程的应用程序(一个严重的错误IMO,尤其是在Android上),你有C你打电话,因为这听众的结果,以保护$ C $ 。你可以看到的例子本 MyMapActivity 与库捆绑在一起,一切从回调得到通过处理程序哪些职位漏斗呼叫回主线程你。

Since the MapChange library does nothing to ensure that callbacks are posted to your application on the main thread (a serious bug IMO, especially on Android), you have to protect the code you call as a result of this listener. You can see this in the example MyMapActivity bundled with the library, everything from that callback gets funneled through a Handler which posts the calls back to the main thread for you.

在您的应用程序,里面的code onMapPan(),随后 showTrees()被称为在后台线程,所以它不是安全的操作UI那里。使用一个处理程序 runOnUiThread()活动将保证您code被称为在正确的地方。

In your application, the code inside onMapPan() and subsequently showTrees() is being called on a background thread so it is not safe to manipulate the UI there. Using either a Handler or runOnUiThread() from your Activity will guarantee your code is called in the right place.

通过关于的AsyncTask 关于你的第二个问题,有什么使用它里面的任何应用程序组件,而不仅仅是活动。尽管这是一个背景部分,默认情况下服务仍是主线程上运行良好,因此的AsyncTask 仍然有必要暂时卸载长期处理的另一个线程。

With regards to your second questions about AsyncTask, there is nothing stopping you from using it inside of any application component, not just Activity. Even though it's a "background" component, by default a Service is still running on the main thread as well, so AsyncTask is still necessary to offload long-term processing to another thread temporarily.

