

我目前正在使用具有许多Angular js的WebApp....我们从Selenium WebDriver开始,脚本在临时代码上运行良好...但是我建议我们需要使用量角器而不是Selenium WebDriver.就两者为我做的相同的工作.我发现的唯一区别是,我不想显式等待加载网页.

I am currently working on the WebApp which has Lot of Angular js... We started with Selenium WebDriver and the scripts works well scratch codes... But I am suggested that we need to use protractor instead of Selenium WebDriver. As far as both do the same job for me. The ONLY difference I found is that I don't want to wait explicitly to load the webpage..

量角器与Selenium WebDriver相比还有其他优点或缺点吗?

Is there any other advantage or disadvantage in Protractor Vs Selenium WebDriver?



Hi we can have a discussion over it but as far as selenium vs protractor goes:

  1. 即使它是有角的JS网站,效果也很好,只有我们必须处理同步问题.如果可以处理,那就没有不利之处.
  2. Selenium具有非常丰富的自动化功能,即,它在市场上已经存在很多年了,并且已经有了很大的发展,其API几乎是稳定的.
  3. 实际上,它是开放源代码市场中用于浏览器自动化的事实上的工具.
  4. 您可以使用几乎所有流行语言使用硒.
  1. Works great even if it's angular JS website, only we have to deal with synchronization issue. If you can handle then no disadvantage.
  2. Selenium is very rich in automation, i.e, it's in the market for years and very much evolved and its API is almost stable.
  3. It's in fact a defacto tool in the open source market for browser automation.
  4. You can work with selenium in almost every popular language.


  1. 作为基于角度的自动化工具销售.但是,当您看一下它的核心时,它就是webdriver JS的包装器.因此,它不会在浏览器自动化中发现任何新的领域.
  2. 是的,在特定于角度的定位器策略的情况下,它具有一定的优势.它提供了更多与Angular指令一起使用的选项(即特定于角度的定位器策略).
  3. 它仅适用于一个客户端(语言),即仅适用于JavaScript.因此,要使用它,您必须了解JavaScript.
  4. 尽管基于webdriverJs,但仍是市场上的新事物.
  1. Is marketed as angular based automation tool. But when you would look at its core it's wrapper for webdriver JS. Hence it does not uncover any new vertical in browser automation.
  2. Yes it has certain advantage in case of angular specific locator strategy. It provides more option to work with Angular directives (i.e angular specific locator strategy).
  3. It's only available for only one client (language) i.e for JavaScript only. So to work with it you must know JavaScript.
  4. New in the market although its based on the webdriverJs.


So it totally depends upon your project requirement and team knowledge which tool you want to use. It will not be good to say which has what advantage over other. Both tools are here to help us and make browser automation flawless. Hope this helps.


07-29 11:53