So ava comes with build-in ES2015 support, which works fine for my actual test files. However, when I do
.I have no specific babel configuration set up as for the test files it works out of the box. Can anyone explain to me why the helper dependencies are not transpiled with babel? Using test/**/helpers is even following ava convention.
谢谢, 罗宾
因此,根据 thangngoc89 的解决方案,我所做的工作是:
So based on thangngoc89's solution, what I did to make it work was:
- 添加具有内容的.babelrc
{ "presets": [ "es2015", "stage-2" ], "plugins": [ "espower", "transform-runtime" ] }
- 已添加到package.json:
"ava": { "require": ["babel-register"], "babel": "inherit" }推荐答案
AVA only transpile the test files. Not test dependencies so you will need to setup babel in your project (I suppose you did it because you're using ES6 anyway).
Then in AVA's setting, add this :
"ava": { ... "babel": "inherit" }这意味着使用您的项目babel设置来转换测试依赖项.请参阅AVA文档中的更多信息: https://github.com/sindresorhus/ava/blob/master/docs/recipes/babelrc.md
It means that use your project babel setting to transpile the test dependencies. See more information in AVA docs: https://github.com/sindresorhus/ava/blob/master/docs/recipes/babelrc.md