


int i=5;
boolean b = i<5 && ++i<5;//line 2
System.out.println(i);//line 3, prints 5

根据我的理解,在第2行中:由于在所有运算符中,++的优先级最高,因此应首先评估++i.但是line 3实际上正在打印i=5(而不是6).含义&&在++运算符之前进行了评估.这怎么可能?

In line 2, according to my understanding: Since among all the operators, ++ has highest precedence ++i should be evaluated first. But line 3 actually is printing i=5 (and not 6). Meaning, && has evaluated before ++ operator. How is it possible?

从答案中我看到在Java中,所有表达式都是从左到右求值的.". 但是实际上优先顺序何时生效.在以下代码中:

From the answers I see that "In Java, all expressions are evaluated from left to right.". But when does actually precedence order comes into play. In following code:

int a=1,b=1,c=1;
boolean b = a==b&&b==c;//Line2

在第2行中,代码不会只是从左到右运行.首先评估a == b,然后评估b == c,然后评估&&.操作员.你能解释更多吗?

In line2 code would't just run from left to right. First a==b is evaluated then b==c and then && operator. Can you please explain more?



That's not how the expression is processed.


In Java, all expressions are evaluated from left to right. Operator precedence only comes into play when considering the evaluation of the arguments of &&.

所以i < 5是在甚至没有考虑++i < 5的情况下计算的.

So i < 5 is computed before ++i < 5 is even considered.

在这种情况下,将不评估++i < 5 ,因为i < 5false.所以i停留在5.

In this case ++i < 5 will not be evaluated, since i < 5 is false. So i stays at 5.


08-04 00:04