我已经正确设置了从推送通知开始呼叫的所有内容,但是接收方的 SINClient 没有调用 client:didReceiveIncomingCall: 方法,因此用户无法接听电话.
I've set up everything properly for starting calls from a push notification, however the recipient's SINClient does not invoke the client:didReceiveIncomingCall: method, so it's impossible for the user to answer the call.
我已经验证了我的有效载荷是相同的——relayRemotePushNotificationPayload: 方法的结果表明它成功并且没有超时——这在每次调用中都是一样的.
I've verified my payloads are identical - the results from the relayRemotePushNotificationPayload: method indicate that it's successful and hasn't timed out - this is the same on each and every call.
当我收到来自 clientDidStart: 的调用时,代表确实起作用了,我只是没有收到 didReceiveIncomingCall:.我确保在连接到 Sinch 之后调用relayRemotePushNotificationPayload:,因为我在来自 clientDidStart: 的回调中调用它,所以我绝对确定客户端在传递此有效负载之前已连接到 Sinch.
The delegates do work as I get an invocation from clientDidStart:, I just don't get didReceiveIncomingCall:. I make sure to invoke relayRemotePushNotificationPayload: after connecting to Sinch, as I invoke this in the callback from clientDidStart:, so I'm absolutely certain that the client is connected to Sinch before this payload is passed.
Is there anything else I should be doing to get this working?
如果您尝试不等到 clientDidStart:
而直接调用 relayRemotePushNotificationPayload:
?如果 Sinch 客户端没有作为处理 relayRemotePushNotificationPayload:
If you try not waiting until clientDidStart:
but simply invoke relayRemotePushNotificationPayload:
directly? The Sinch client will actually automatically start if it's not started as part handling the remote push inside relayRemotePushNotificationPayload:
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