




我发现这对我的工作,我检查类的WebView源$ C ​​$ C在2.3 API,并找到如何与2.1 API做一个解决方案。也许它可以与旧的API工作:

 公共类CustomWebView扩展的WebView {


    私人布尔overScrollLeft = FALSE;

    私人布尔overScrollRight = FALSE;

    私人布尔isScrolling = FALSE;

        // TODO自动生成构造函数存根

        // TODO自动生成构造函数存根

        // TODO自动生成构造函数存根

  INT scrollBarWidth = getVerticalScrollbarWidth();

  INT viewWidth = computeHorizo​​ntalScrollExtent();

        INT innerWidth = computeHorizo​​ntalScrollRange();

        INT scrollBarLeftPos = computeHorizo​​ntalScrollOffset();

        INT scrollBarRightPos = scrollBarLeftPos + viewWidth  -  scrollBarWidth;

        如果(scrollBarLeftPos == 0){
            overScrollLeft = TRUE;
        } 其他 {
            overScrollLeft = FALSE;

        如果(scrollBarRightPos> = innerWidth){
            overScrollRight = TRUE;
        } 其他 {
            overScrollRight = FALSE;

            如果(overScrollLeft || overScrollRight){
                isScrolling = FALSE;
            } 其他 {
                isScrolling = TRUE;
            oldX = event.getX();

                如果(event.getX()> oldX&安培;&安培; overScrollLeft){

                如果(event.getX()&其中; oldX&安培;&安培; overScrollRight){



I need to know how to detect if the user can't scroll anymore in a webView. I want to generate an action when the user swipes to the left or right, but only if the user can't scroll:

IF the user swipes to the left AND the webview can't scroll to left THEN
 do something
 let the webview scroll

I found a solution which work for me, I check the source code of class WebView in 2.3 API and find how to do it with a 2.1 API. Maybe it can work with older API:

public class CustomWebView extends WebView {

    private float oldX;

 // indicate if horizontal scrollbar can't go more to the left
    private boolean overScrollLeft = false;

 // indicate if horizontal scrollbar can't go more to the right
    private boolean overScrollRight = false;

 // indicate if horizontal scrollbar can't go more to the left OR right
    private boolean isScrolling = false;

    public CustomWebView(Context context) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public CustomWebView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public CustomWebView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        // width of the vertical scrollbar
  int scrollBarWidth = getVerticalScrollbarWidth();

  // width of the view depending of you set in the layout
  int viewWidth = computeHorizontalScrollExtent();

  // width of the webpage depending of the zoom
        int innerWidth = computeHorizontalScrollRange();

  // position of the left side of the horizontal scrollbar
        int scrollBarLeftPos = computeHorizontalScrollOffset();

  // position of the right side of the horizontal scrollbar, the width of scroll is the width of view minus the width of vertical scrollbar
        int scrollBarRightPos = scrollBarLeftPos + viewWidth - scrollBarWidth;

        // if left pos of scroll bar is 0 left over scrolling is true
        if(scrollBarLeftPos == 0) {
            overScrollLeft = true;
        } else {
            overScrollLeft = false;

        // if right pos of scroll bar is superior to webpage width: right over scrolling is true
        if(scrollBarRightPos >= innerWidth) {
            overScrollRight = true;
        } else {
            overScrollRight = false;

        switch (event.getAction()) {
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: // when user touch the screen
   // if scrollbar is the most left or right
            if(overScrollLeft || overScrollRight) {
                isScrolling = false;
            } else {
                isScrolling = true;
            oldX = event.getX();

        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: // when user stop to touch the screen
   // if scrollbar can't go more to the left OR right
   // this allow to force the user to do another gesture when he reach a side
            if(!isScrolling) {
                if(event.getX() > oldX && overScrollLeft) {
                    // left action

                if(event.getX() < oldX && overScrollRight) {
     // right actio

        return super.onTouchEvent(event);



08-26 18:14