


I'm trying to use libtorrent in my Qt5 application but keep getting segfaultswith messages like malloc(): memory corruption. After hours of debbuging I come up with this small piece of code which triggers this problem:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    std::string filename = "fedora.torrent";
    libtorrent::error_code ec;
    libtorrent::add_torrent_params parameters;
    std::cerr << "111\n";
    parameters.ti = new libtorrent::torrent_info(filename, ec);;
    std::cerr << "222\n";
    return app.exec()


In this case constructor of torrent_info produce segfault. But if I move libtorrent related code before creation of QGuiApplication like this:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::string filename = "fedora.torrent";
    libtorrent::error_code ec;
    libtorrent::add_torrent_params parameters;
    std::cerr << "111\n";
    parameters.ti = new libtorrent::torrent_info(filename, ec);;
    std::cerr << "222\n";
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    return app.exec()


then it works just fine. Also this problem exist only in 32-bit build, in 64-bit build both variants work the same.


这很可能是由于使用一组TORRENT_ *定义构建libtorrent并使用另一组TORRENT_ *对其进行链接而引起的.其中一些定义影响公共API中使用的某些结构的布局,并且当调用应用程序与库之间存在差异时,会引入ABI不兼容问题.

This is most likely caused by building libtorrent with one set of TORRENT_* defines and linking against it with a different set. Some of those defines affect layouts of some structs used in the public API and when differing between the calling application and the library introduce ABI incompatibility issues.


09-10 22:25