


Suppose I have 2+ clients (developed by me) ALL using libtorrent ( http://www.rasterbar.com/products/libtorrent/manual.html#queuing )


Can I prioritize download of a file from other clients effectively so that they download the file's pieces/chunks (whatever is torrent terminology here) from beginning of the file towards its end and not quite in random order?


(of course I'm allowing some "multiplexing" / "intertwining" pieces for reasons of availability and performance, but the goal here is to download as linearly and quickly from the start of the file towards the end as possible)

我在这里想的目标显然是快速预览文件。如何最有效地使用libtorrent /可能其他C + +洪流库?

The goal I'm thinking about here is obviously previewing the file quickly. How to do this most effectively using libtorrent / possibly other C++ torrent library?

(我不太感兴趣的torrent实现使用非二进制语言,如Java或Python - 我需要机器代码,因为性能和安全性的原因,所以,C,C ++或可能D都适合账单)

(I'm not quite interested in torrent implementations using non-binary languages, like Java or Python - I need machine code for reasons of performance and security, so, C, C++ or possibly D would all fit the bill)


你一定可以优先使用 torrent_handle :: prioritize_pieces() torrent_handle :: prioritize_files()。请参阅。

You can certainly prioritize pieces and files with torrent_handle::prioritize_pieces() and torrent_handle::prioritize_files(). See the documentation.

这不足以按顺序下载。为此,您可以使用 torrent_handle :: set_sequential_download()启用顺序下载。这将按顺序发出新的片段请求。请记住,请求被满足的时间取决于与你谈话的同伴。按顺序提出请求并不一定意味着按顺序接收这些片段。

This won't be enough to download in-order though. To do that, you can enable sequential download with torrent_handle::set_sequential_download(). This will issue new piece requests in-order. Keep in mind that the time a request take to be satisfied varies a lot depending on which peer you talk to. Making the requests in-order does not necessarily mean receiving the pieces in order.

有另一种机制尝试这样做。 torrent_handle :: set_piece_deadline()用于设置一个片段的目标完成时间。这些片段被认为是时间关键的片段,并且它们在截止日期之前排序,并且最快的同位体用于从这些片段请求块,试图以期限顺序下载它们。

There is another mechanism to attempt to do that. torrent_handle::set_piece_deadline() is used to set a target completion time for a piece. Such pieces are considered time-critical pieces, and they are ordered by their deadline and the fastest peers are used to request blocks from those pieces, attempting to download them in deadline-order.


Now, I also get the impression that you want two separate clients (presumably running on different machines) to coordinate which pieces they download. Is that right? It's not entirely clear what you're asking about, but there's no simple way of asking libtorrent to do that.


You could write a plugin for libtorrent that implements a new extension message for these clients to chat and coordinate, which could de-select certain pieces the other client is downloading by setting their priority to 0.


09-10 22:25