

我正在开发一个带有Google+ API的Android应用程序。我有多个活动,每个活动需要一个GoogleApiClient实例。

I am developing an android app with Google+ API. I am having multiple activities which each require one instance of GoogleApiClient.


As I understand from this post it is possible to call the same instance of GoogleApiClient for each activity. My question is how do we create copies of the GoogleApiClient specifically?


Do we build one again with the .addApi(), .addscope() and implement onConnected method and OnConnectedFailedListener method again? Because it seems repetitive and inefficient. And wouldn't implementing these methods override the same methods from other activities too?


创建多个 GoogleApiClient 。事实上,如果您使用的不仅仅是一个API,它将有助于提高效率。只有您特别要求的服务才会被注册。因此,如果一个活动使用Plus,另一个使用Drive,则在进行Drive活动时,不必将Plus服务假脱机。

It's not expensive to create multiple instances of GoogleApiClient. In fact it will help with efficiency if you use more than just one API. Only the services you specifically request will be spooled up. So if one activity uses Plus and another uses Drive, the Plus service doesn't have to be spooled up when you're on the Drive activity.

建议您为您创建的每个Activity,Fragment,Loader,Service或Application创建一个单独的 GoogleApiClient 实例(可能甚至还有一些我也已经忘记了)。

To be clear, it is recommended that you create a separate instance of GoogleApiClient for each Activity, Fragment, Loader, Service, or Application that you create (maybe even some others that I forgot too).

如果您真的不想这样做,请使用应用程序上下文而不是活动或片段来创建 GoogleApiClient 并在Application对象中保存对它的引用。

If you really don't want to do that, use the application context instead of an activity or fragment to create the GoogleApiClient and hold a reference to it in an Application object.


09-25 08:47