我正在使用具有基本DigitalReadSerial"设置的 arduino uno,如下所述:http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/DigitalReadSerial
I'm using an arduino uno with the basic "DigitalReadSerial" setup as outlined here: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/DigitalReadSerial
如果我使用 arduino IDE 附带的串行监视器,它会立即显示按下按钮后的任何更改.
If i use the serial monitor included with the arduino IDE, it immediately displays any changes from pressing the button.
这就是我在 pyserial 中想要的,0 或 1 取决于按钮是否被按下.(最终触发一个计时器)
This is what i want in pyserial, either a 0 or a 1 depending on whether the button is pressed. (to eventually trigger a timer)
just to test it, i threw this together, not the prettiest, but it seems to read out the pushbutton state, but there is a 20second delay.
import serial
ser = serial.Serial()
ser.baudrate = 9600
while 1==1:
这似乎是一个缓存/同步问题,类似于影响常见文件系统中文件同步的问题.我的 arduino/pyserial 遇到了这个问题......直到现在?
It seems to be a caching/sync problem, similar to those that affects the file sync in common filesystems. I have suffered that problem with my arduino/pyserial... until now?
来自 http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/pyserial_api.html,如果我把我的程序中的 3 个刷新命令:ser.flush()、ser.flushInput() 和 ser.flushOutput(),它似乎按预期工作.
From http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/pyserial_api.html, if I put the 3 flush commands: ser.flush(), ser.flushInput() and ser.flushOutput() in my program, it seems to work as expected.
这篇关于从 Arduino 读取行的 PySerial 延迟的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!