


I have used core data before, but this database I have to construct has a particularity that will require a special relationship that is melting my brain.


I have 2 entities, lets call them Cage and Animal.

  • 笼子有一个属性name
  • 动物具有nameimage属性,并且必须跟踪其子代.
  • Cage has one attribute name
  • Animal has a name and image attributes and must keep track of its children.


cage ---------- animal 1
         |_____ animal 2
         |_____ animal 3 ____ animal 4
                          |__ animal 5
                                  |_____ animal 6

查看此结构,您会发现Animal 1Animal 2Animal 3具有Cage作为父级,或者如果愿意的话,它们是Cage的子级"对象.另一方面,Animal 3有2个子对象(4和5),而Animal 5有一个子对象.

Looking at this structure you see that Animal 1, Animal 2 and Animal 3 have Cage as parent or are "children" objects of Cage if you will. On the other hand Animal 3 has 2 children objects (4 and 5) and Animal 5 has one children object.


I need Cage and Animal to be different entities.


So, you see that Animal objects can have other Animals as children. An animal can have one parent but multiple children. A Cage object can only have children.


I have tried to add a children relationship with destination equal to Animal and inverse equal to children (toMany) but this is what is melting my brain, because if I do this, this will be parent at one time and children at others, not to mention that the name children will make coding difficult to wrap the head around...


How do I have to build the relationships between the entities to make this work?


首先创建您的实体和属性.然后建立您的关系. 动物"和孩子"的关系被设置为很多".将笼"和父母"设置为一对一"关系.最后,为每个关系设置目标和倒数.

First create your entities and attributes. Then create your relationships. The relationships for "animals" and "children" shout be set to "to many". Leave "cage" and "parent" set to "to one" relationship. Finally, set the destination and inverse for each relation.


Relations "animals" and "cage" should be inverse.Relations "parent" and "children" should be set to inverse.



09-05 02:03