本文介绍了在BLL层VS BLL方法单一重载方法具有DAL方法一到一一对应的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




Assume we create 3-tier module, which enables us to display/create/edit articles. Articles are:

•通过设置的 MembersOnly 的字段(文章表的),管理员还可以指定是否特定物品可以由任何人或只有注册用户才能查看结果
文章的表还具有的 ExpiredDate 的领域,这在什么时候会在文章到期,因此不再发布

• organized into categories
• before article can be published, admin has to approve it by setting Approve field of Articles DB table to true
• by setting MembersOnly field ( Articles table ) admin can also specify whether particular article can be viewed by anybody or only by registered users
Articles table also has ExpiredDate field, which tells when will the article expire and thus no longer be published


一)的 DAL 的层,我们提供的方法的 GetAllArticles,GetArticlesByCategory,GetPublishedArticles和GetPublishedArticlesByCategory 的从数据库中检索文章

a) At DAL layer we provide methods GetAllArticles, GetArticlesByCategory, GetPublishedArticles and GetPublishedArticlesByCategory for retrieving articles from the DB

BLL 的层,我们使用的 GetArticles()的重载调用所有上述DAL方法。

At BLL layer we use GetArticles() overloads to call all of the above DAL methods.


  • 什么是一些采用单重载的方法时所带来的好处的 BLL 的层代替的 BLL 的方法有一对一一对应的 DAL 的方法呢?唯一的好处我能想到的是,这种方式同样的 ObjectDataSource控件的控制可以调用的 GetArticles两个或两个以上()的过载,根据参数的值,例如:

  • What are the some of the benefits of using single overloaded method at BLL layer instead of BLL methods having one-to-one correspondence with DAL methods? Only advantage I can think of is that this way same ObjectDataSource control can call two or more of GetArticles() overloads, depending on the value of parameters, for example:

 public static List<Article> GetArticles(bool publishedOnly)
    if (!publishedOnly)
         return GetArticles();


  • 如果你不还设计的 UI 的层,因此不能确定哪些方法 UI程序员的将preFER最,这将是最好的做法为的 DLL 的层提供的四GetArticles + GetAllArticles,GetArticlesByCategory,GetPublishedArticles和GetPublishedArticlesByCategory重载

  • If you don’t also design UI layer and thus can’t be sure which methods UI programmer will prefer the most, would it be best practice for DLL layer to provide four overloads of GetArticles + GetAllArticles, GetArticlesByCategory, GetPublishedArticles and GetPublishedArticlesByCategory?


2)当设计的 DAL方法的检索数据库的数据,你怎么可以预先知道/ predict(不首先设计UI),到底哪些方法(用于访问DB)我们应在DAL层创建?

2) When designing DAL methods to retrieve data from DB, how can you in advance know/predict ( without first designing the UI ), exactly which methods (for accessing DB) we should create at the DAL layer?


Namely, in the previous example I’ve had several methods for retrieving articles based on number of parameters ( based on category they belong to, whether we only want published articles etc). Assuming I’m selling this module to third party UI developers, then there is no way to know which data access methods they would prefer the most:



a) so should I create as many data access methods as I can think of ( one for getting all articles that are already expired, one for getting all articles that are already expired, but were never published, one for getting all articles that are not published, one for getting all articles that can be view by registered users only… ) ?


二)即使所有三层都是我自己写的 - 我应该还是创建多达我能想到的数据访问方法?

b) Even if all three layer are written by myself – should I still create as many data access methods as I can think of?







a) I’m not sure I understand this. Which class should implement this interface? Perhaps DLL class? In other words, if the name of my DLL class is Article, then third party would derive class named ChildArticle from Article, where ChildArticle would also implement this interface? Or did you mean something else?



b) Anyways, as far as I understand it, providing interface ( which declares defines additional DLL methods to retrieve articles from DB ) would also require DAL class to already have appropriate methods defined, which would be called by methods declared in the interface?




I’m not familiar with this term, but you’re prob suggesting that we should prefer overloaded GetArticles() over GetAllArticles, GetArticlesByCategory, GetPublishedArticles and GetPublishedArticlesByCategory?




Unless I personally interview the people that would buy my product, I can generally guess which methods they would find useful, but within that space, there are still any number of possible methods I could define. Thus, how should I know whether they would also find use for, say, GetArticles() overload which retrieves articles that already expired?!




If not DLL, should DAL have as many data access methods as I can come up with ( for particular target audience of course )?




假设我创建了一个BLL层,然后提供一些额外的接口,消费者可以实现延长BLL的内置的功能。但对于消费者能够实现这些接口,他们将需要访问BLL的源$ C ​​$ C,对不对?但是,如果我不想要什么消费者查看BLL的源$ C ​​$ C?

Assume I create a BLL layer and then provide some additional interfaces, which consumers could implement to extend BLL’s build-in functionality. But for consumers to be able to implement these interfaces, they will need to have access to BLL’s source code, right? But what if I don’t want consumers to view BLL’s source code?




a) So even DAL’s built-in functionality should be exposed through interfaces? But why? Namely, if we’d use abstract class instead of interfaces, then this class could already implement some utility functions common to all provider classes that inherit from this abstract class?! On the other hand, if DAL uses interfaces instead, then utility functions common to all providers will have to be implemented once for each provider, which could mean a lot of redundant coding?!



b) Anyways, I don’t quite see the benefits ( except when we provide interfaces with which consumers could extend the basic functionality ) in having classes from different layers interacting through interfaces?



如果我知道UI将广泛使用对象的数据源控件,我应该还是preFER BLL定义一个方法(其与该方法中的所有数据对象作为参数,这种方法一起工作),而不是方法重载?

If I know UI will extensively make use Object Data Source controls, should I still prefer BLL to define a single method (this method having as parameter an object with all the data for the method to work with) instead of method overloads?




I took the liberty to summarize your post in two main questions. I hope I managed to capture the essence of what you are asking.

Q) 什么是由BLL暴露在DAL暴露intefaces和那些之间的关系?



A) The BLL is an outward-facing API, and as such it should implement functionality that is useful to the external consumers of the application and expose it in a way that makes sense to them.
The DAL, on the contrary, is a inward-facing API that exposes functionality to retrieve and persist data in way that hides the details of the storage mechanism being used.


In short, the DAL focuses on how data is being represented and managed internally in the application, while the BLL focuses on exposing data in way that is meaningful to consumers.

Q) 公共API应该有多少方法都和哪些?



A) The design of an API is strictly related to what it is meant to achieve and by whom it will be used.
In practice, this means that you should know the target audience of your API, and give them only what they need to get the job done.
Since it is impossible to predict all the possible ways an API will be used, it is important to decide which main use cases to support, and work to make them really straightforward in the API. A good principle to keep in mind is what Alan Kay once said:



A few extensibility points can be built into the API to obtain a certain degree of flexibility. A common way to achieve this is to use interfaces to define the behavior of the API. This will allow consumers to replace or extend the pieces of the built-in functionality by providing custom implementations.

要贵点,我相信这是一个好主意,preFER在BLL 较少的粗粒度的方法来覆盖所有的整个业务运作所需的功能。
在另一边是完全正常的有许多较小的数据中心在DAL 的方法特定的数据来工作。

To your point, I believe it is a good idea to prefer fewer coarse-grained methods in the BLL to cover all the functionality required by an entire business operation.
On the other side it is perfectly fine to have many smaller data-centric methods in the DAL to work with specific pieces of data.



例如,DAL应该公开的接口用于访问数据类,如 IOrderHeaderTable IOrderRepository 的根据设计图案被使用。

该BLL应公开用于执行业务操作类,如 IOrderManagementWorkflow ICustomerService 的。


另外,谁愿意外部各方通过实施任何提供的公共接口,可以这样做,而无需访问源$ C ​​$ C定制的内置功能。然而,接口应该是自我描述和详细记录,以便更容易为扩展理解它的语义。


About interfaces
Interfaces should exist between layers. More specifically, classes should interact with classes from other layers exclusively through interfaces.
For example, the DAL should expose interfaces for the classes used to access data, like IOrderHeaderTable or IOrderRepository depending on the design pattern being used.
The BLL should expose classes used to execute business operations, like IOrderManagementWorkflow, or ICustomerService.
Note: common functionality inside a layer can still be placed in base classes, since in modern Object-Oriented languages like C#, VB.NET and Java a class can both inherit from a base class and implement one or more interfaces.
Also, external parties who wish to customize the built-in functionality by implementing any of the provided public interfaces can do so without needing access to the source code. Interfaces should however be self-describing and well-documented, in order to make it easy for extenders to understand its semantics.



实现细节:这种BLL API是完全内置到ASP.NET Web窗体ObjectDataSource控件支持

About the BLL
The BLL should be explicit about the business logic it supports. Therefore it is generally a good idea to have methods that are directly related to business operations.
For added clarity, instead of overloading methods to work with different parameters, I believe it is better to have one method that accepts a single parameter. This parameter would be an object containing all the data for the method to work with. Some of that data could be required, some could be optional and would influence the effect of the operation.
Implementation detail: this kind of BLL API is fully supported by ObjectDataSource control built into ASP.NET Web Forms.



这篇关于在BLL层VS BLL方法单一重载方法具有DAL方法一到一一对应的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 01:07