


From what I know, all the MAC addresses that the packet gone through are in the packet. This is because that each packet that goes in a certain path, should also be returned in similar path. So, if the router of the server know about the mac address of the client (all of them), why the server page (like aspx) cannot have this information?

请解释。 (不要只告诉我错了)。

Please, give an explanation. (don't just tell me that I'm wrong).


If I understand it correctly, the client sends a packet that contains it's MAC address. when to packet go through a proxy (like the client router), the proxy's address is added to the packet too. and so on.

这是维基百科上关于TCP / IP数据线层的片段:

Here is a snippet from Wikipedia about the TCP/IP data line layer:




MAC is shorthand for Media Access Control, with media refering to the local communication media. While source and destination IP-Addresses remain the same throughout the journey (and are used for long-distance routing decisions), the source and destination MAC-Addresses just indicate the next hop.

因此,存储在您的服务器接收的数据包中的MAC地址应该是您的存在点 - 路由器或您的提供商的设备的MAC地址。

Because of this, the MAC-Address stored in packets received by your server should be the MAC address of your point of presence-router, or of the equipment of your provider.

您可能需要查看 OSI图层模型和。


09-05 16:31