I'm building a fairly simple php script that will need to send some emails with attachments. I've found these 2 libraries to do this. Does either one have significant advantages over the other? Or should I just pick one at random and be done with it?
我将会说PHPMailer不再开发,和Swift Mailer是。但是当我googled ...
I was going to say that PHPMailer is no longer developed, and Swift Mailer is. But when I googled ...
ve使用PHPMailer很多,它一直是坚实可靠的。由于上述原因,我最近开始使用Swift Mailer,也没有给我任何麻烦。
I've used PHPMailer a lot, and its always been solid and reliable. I had recently started using Swift Mailer, for the above reason, and it too has given me no trouble.
Now that PHPMailer is developed again, I think I'll probably give the new version a try.
所以,我的答案是,两者都是有能力的,而且这并不重要 - 选择一个,学习它,使用它。两者都比邮件()提供了巨大的优势,并且吸收了电子邮件的细微差别,以便您可以随时随地了解您真正想要开发的内容。
So, my answer is that both are capable, and that it doesn't matter that much – choose one, learn it, use it. Both offer massive advantages over mail() and abstract away the nuances of email so that you can get on with whatever you are really trying to develop.