本文介绍了MFC chtmlview Windows 7问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在处理一个旧的MFC项目.用户正在使用Windows 7,他们遇到了Windows XP上不会发生的以下问题:

I am working on an old MFC project. Users are using Windows 7 they are expierincing the following problem which does not occur on Windows XP:


The MFC application hosts a CHtmlView which presents a custom HTML site located as a file on the disk. This html document heavily uses Javascript. Wenn you start the program and the CHtmlView control is displayed, in some cases - for example after a fresh reboot - the HTML file is not properly displayed.


Refreshing the site using F5 or minimizing the application and maximizing it again solves this issue.


I know that CHtmlView is using an ActiveX Control and thus I have tried to change system settings for IE. But this did not solve the problem altogether. The issue after a reboot still remains.



If you need more information, feel free to ask.


您是否在有问题的客户端上运行Internet Explorer 9.0?他们从该版本开始更改了某些WM_PAINT逻辑,因此我认为您至少需要MFC 10.0才能避免使用怪异的图形工件.

Are you running Internet Explorer 9.0 on the problematic client? They changed some of the WM_PAINT logic as of that version, so I think you need at least MFC 10.0 to avoid weird drawing artifacts.


I've heard about similar issues before, but I'm still just guessing here :)

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08-04 02:10