我尝试使用pip为jupyter安装八度内核(如此处建议 https://github.com/calysto /octave_kernel ).但是在创建新笔记本时我无法选择Octave内核.
I tried to install the octave kernel for jupyter using pip (as suggested here https://github.com/calysto/octave_kernel).But I cannot choose the Octave kernel when creating a new notebook.
It worked without problems on my Mac, so I guess it might be a Windows related issue.
Does someone have any ideas, how I could fix or investigate the problem?Octave is installed.
将环境变量OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE设置为C:\\ Octave \\ Octave-4.2.1 \\ bin \\ octave-cli.exe并重新启动PC即可解决给我的问题
Setting environmental variable OCTAVE_EXECUTABLE to C:\\Octave\\Octave-4.2.1\\bin\\octave-cli.exe and restarting the PC solved the issue for me
这篇关于Jupyter的Octave内核无法在Windows 10上运行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!