


如何从github中获取它们并将它们存储在teamcity中?一旦我将它们放入teamcity变量中,我可以轻松地将它们添加到我的构建脚本中。 您可以使用功能,以便从构建步骤更新一些构建参数。

您需要一个可以调用 git log origin / master..master (请参阅),从GitHub获取。


I have a TeamCity agent configured to build my XCode projects and I use github. I would like to automatically include in my release notes the descriptions from all pending commits in TeamCity.

How can I fetch them from github and store them in teamcity? Once I put them in a teamcity variable I can easily add them to my build script.


You could use the "Adding or Changing a Build Parameter from a Build Step" feature in order to update some build parameters right from a build step.

You would need a step which would call git log origin/master..master (see "git: list commits not pushed to the origin yet"), after fetching from GitHub.
(See "Using Team City With Git " for the TeamCity configuration with GitHub, and make sure your TeamCity is runnig with the right account)


10-30 06:45