本文介绍了TeamCity 未决更改未运行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已将 TeamCity 配置为执行 NUnit 测试.

I have got configured TeamCity to execute NUnit tests.

当我手动运行它时,它工作正常.但不知何故,它会累积待处理的更改,即使我刷新 TeamCity 的概览页面也不会运行测试.

When I run manually it then it is working fine. But somehow it acumulates pending changes and doesn't run test even if I refresh overview page of TeamCity.


I am wondering which setting I have to use so pending changes will run?


Basically I would like to start first pending changes to execute as soon as it appears.



听起来您好像缺少构建触发器.当您编辑项目设置时,您应该会看到 Build Triggers 步骤 (#5).这是您需要添加告诉 TeamCity 它应该开始构建的事件的地方.它通常与您的源代码管理签入/提交相关联.

It sounds like you are missing your build trigger. When you edit the project settings, you should see the Build Triggers step (#5). It's the spot where you need to add the event that tells TeamCity it should kick off a build. It is generally tied to your source control check-ins/commits.

您可能想要使用 VCS 触发器 来启动构建.

You probably want to use the VCS Trigger to kick off the build.

这篇关于TeamCity 未决更改未运行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-24 14:51