

我有在那里继续运行生成步骤,即使previous那些成功的TeamCity ,存在的问题。


The final step of my Build configuration deploys my site, which I do not want it to do if any of my tests fail.


Each build step is set to only execute if all previous steps were successful.


In the Build Failure Conditions tab, I have checked the following options under Fail build if:

-build process exit code is not zero
-at least one test failed
-an out-of-memory or crash is detected (Java only)

这不工作 - 甚至当测试失败的TeamCity部署我的网站,为什么

This doesn't work - even when tests fail TeamCity deploys my site, why?


I even tried to add an additional build failure condition that will look for specific text in the build log (namely "Test Run Failed.")


When viewing a completed test in the overview page, you can see the error message against the latest build:


"Test Run Failed." text appeared in build log



Does anyone know how to fix this? It appears that the issue has been running for a long time, here.




e.g. a script can move the artifacts from a temporary directory to the directory specified in the TeamCity as publish artifacts from just before the finish and in case the build operations were successful.

但是,这并不清楚,我就究竟是如何做到这一点,听起来不像最好的解决方案无论是。任何帮助AP preciated。

But that is not clear to me on exactly how to do that, and doesn't sound like the best solution either. Any help appreciated.


Edit: I was also able to workaround the problem with a snapshot dependency, where I would have a separate 'deploy' build that was dependent on the test build, and now it doesn't run if tests fail.


This was useful for setting the dependency up.



This is a known problem as of TeamCity 7.1 (cf. http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-17002) which has been fixed in TeamCity 8.x+ (see this answer).

TeamCity的区分一个失败的建立的和失败的生成步骤的。虽然失败的单元测试将失败的构建作为一个整体,遗憾的TeamCity仍然认为测试步骤本身成功的,因为它没有返回一个非零的错误code 的。其结果是,随后的步骤将继续运行。

TeamCity distinguishes between a failed build and a failed build step. While a failing unit test will fail the build as a whole, unfortunately TeamCity still considers the test step itself successful because it did not return a non-zero error code. As a result, subsequent steps will continue running.


A variety of workarounds have been proposed, but I've found they either require non-trivial setup or compromise on the testing experience in TeamCity.

不过,审查后,suggestion从@ arex1337 ,我们发现了一个简单的方法得到的TeamCity做我们想要的。只是,包含以下内嵌脚本现有的测试步骤后添加一个额外的PowerShell的构建步骤(更换 YO​​UR_TEAMCITY_HOSTNAME 与您的实际TeamCity的主机/域):

However, after reviewing a suggestion from @arex1337, we found an easy way to get TeamCity to do what we want. Just add an extra Powershell build step after your existing test step that contains the following inline script (replacing YOUR_TEAMCITY_HOSTNAME with your actual TeamCity host/domain):

$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("http://YOUR_TEAMCITY_HOSTNAME/guestAuth/app/rest/builds/%teamcity.build.id%")
$xml = [xml](new-object System.IO.StreamReader $request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Xml $xml -XPath "/build" | % { $status = $_.Node.status }

if ($status -eq "FAILURE") {
    throw "Failing this step because the build itself is considered failed. This is our way to workaround the fact that TeamCity incorrectly considers a test step to be successful even if there are test failures. See http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-17002"

本直列PowerShell脚本只是使用TeamCity的REST API问构建本身与否,作为一个整体,将视为失败(变量%teamcity.build.id%将由TeamCity的被替换。如果构建作为一个整体被认为是失败的(比如说,由于测试失败),那么这个PowerShell脚本抛出一个错误,导致在执行步的实际版本ID)过程返回一个非零的错误code的这会导致个人的构建步骤本身被认为是不成功的的。在这一点上,后续步骤可以从运行pvented $ p $

This inline PowerShell script is just using the TeamCity REST API to ask whether or not the build itself, as a whole, is considered failed (the variable %teamcity.build.id%" will be replaced by TeamCity with the actual build id when the step is executed). If the build as a whole is considered failed (say, due to a test failure), then this PowerShell script throws an error, causing the process to return a non-zero error code which results in the individual build step itself to be considered unsuccessful. At that point, subsequent steps can be prevented from running.


Note that this script uses guestAuth, which requires the TeamCity guest account to be enabled. Alternately, you can use httpAuth instead, but you'll need to update the script to include a TeamCity username and password (e.g. http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@YOUR_TEAMCITY_HOSTNAME/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/%teamcity.build.id%).


So, with this additional step in place, all subsequent steps set to execute "Only if all previous steps were successful" will be skipped if there are any previous unit test failures. We're using this to prevent automated deployment if any of our NUnit tests are not successful until JetBrains fixes the problem.

Thanks在@ arex1337为理念。


10-21 22:52