


We got a TeamCity server which produces nightly deployable builds. We want our beta tester to have access these nightly builds.

这是最好的做法是什么? TeamCity Server不是公开的,它在我们的办公室,所以我认为最好的方法是通过FTP或类似的东西推送工件。

What are the best practices to do this? TeamCity Server is not public, it is in our office, so I assume best approach would be pushing artifacts via FTP or something like that.


Also I have no clue how to trigger a script when an artifact created successfully. Does TeamCity provide a way to do that?


我建议你开始看一些类似于(n)Ant来处理你的构建处理。这样,您可以以自动方式处理整个构建工件 - >发布工件链。这些工具是基于依赖的,因此只有在生成成功时才会发布工件。

I suggest you start looking at something like (n)Ant to handle your build process. That way you can handle the entire "build artifacts" -> "publish artifacts" chain in an automated manner. These tools are dependency based, so the artifacts would only be published if the build succeeded.


10-15 01:47