

我能够使用Microsoft SQL查询成功将Excel连接到Tally ODBC服务器.我现在想像日报"一样将整个历史记录的所有交易数据提取到excel(包括借方和贷方分类帐)中.但是,如果我使用CompanyVouchers表提取数据,那么我只会在Tally中获取当前日期的数据,而只能获取单个分类帐.

I am able to successfully connect Excel to Tally ODBC Server using Microsoft SQL Query. I now want to extract all transaction data for entire history into excel (including debit and credit ledgers) like in a Day Book. However, if I extract using CompanyVouchers table, I only get the data for current date in Tally, and only for single ledger.


  1. 在计算机上打开Microsoft Excel.
  2. 单击数据>获取外部数据>从其他来源>从Microsoft Query
  3. 选择TallyODBC64_9000 *
  4. 从查询向导中选择CompanyVouchers


使用Tally ODBC将数据导出到Excel

Tally ERP支持SQL(结构化查询语言).您可以使用SQL SELECT查询来通过Tally软件本身中的 Tally ODBC Calculator面板导出Tally数据.但是,存在某些限制.您只能从Tally ERP中检索第一级字段.例如,您可以获取日期,凭证类型,凭证编号,聚会总帐等,但是无法使用Tally ODBC接口检索每个凭证条目的所有分类帐.

Using Tally ODBC to Export Data into Excel

Tally ERP supports SQL (Structured Query Language). You can use SQL SELECT queries to export Tally data using Tally ODBC or the Calculator panel in Tally Software itself. However, there are certain limitations. You can retrieve only the first level fields from Tally ERP. For example, you can fetch Date, Voucher Type, Voucher Number, Party Ledger etc, but you cannot retrieve all the ledgers for each voucher entry using the Tally ODBC interface.

这里有一些SQL SELECT语句,可使用ODBC从Tally中检索数据.

Here are some SQL SELECT statements to retrieve data from Tally using ODBC.

Select $Date,$Reference,$VouchertypeName,$PartyLedgerName,$$CollectionField:$Amount:1:LedgerEntries from RTSAllVouchers where $$IsSales:$VoucherTypeName

从Tally ERP导出付款数据

Select $Date,$Reference,$VouchertypeName,$PartyLedgerName,$$CollectionField:$Amount:1:LedgerEntries from RTSAllVouchers where $$IsPayment:$VoucherTypeName

从Tally ERP导出收货条目

Select $Date,$Reference,$VouchertypeName,$PartyLedgerName,$$CollectionField:$Amount:1:LedgerEntries from RTSAllVouchers where $$IsReceipt:$VoucherTypeName

PS:Tally中的 CompanyVouchers 集合仅导出当前日期的数据.因此,我们使用了一个名为 RTSAllVouchers 的用户定义的集合.用户定义的集合的TDL代码在下面给出:-

PS:The CompanyVouchers collection in Tally exports data only for the current date. Hence, we have used a user defined collection named RTSAllVouchers. The TDL code for this user defined collection is given underneath :-

[Collection: RTSAllVouchers]  
Type: Voucher  
IsODBCTable: Yes  
Fetch : *, AllLedgerEntries.*, LedgerEntries.*

使用Tally ODBC从Excel导入数据

到目前为止,您无法使用ODBC将数据导入Tally ERP.尽管Tally ODBC驱动程序支持SQL SELECT查询,但当前不支持UPDATE或DELETE查询.要将数据导入Tally,必须将HTTP发布请求发送到Port 9000上的Tally.您可以在将数据导入Tally ERP

了解更多: https://www.rtslink.com/


09-18 09:25