

我正在为 woocommerce 制作个人 PDF 发票插件.

我们的部分产品采用减税税率 (%8) 或标准税率 (%18) 征税.例如,产品 A = 降价 (%8),产品 B = 标准费率 (%18).我可以轻松获得总税额,但我想打印带有税种的单独税金总额.




您可以简单地使用专用的 WC_Abstract_Order 方法 get_tax_totals() (作为 Woocommerce 用于分隔税行),您将拥有在每个税行设置中设置的税标签百分比.

费率代码 $rate_code 由 COUNTRY-STATE-NAME-Priority 组成.


//从订单 ID 中获取 WC_Order 实例对象(如果需要)$order = wc_get_order($order_id);//输出表格中的税行echo '';foreach ( $order->get_tax_totals() as $rate_code => $tax ) {$tax_rate_id = $tax->rate_id;$tax_label = $tax->label;$tax_amount = $tax->amount;$tax_f_amount = $tax->formatted_amount;$compound = $tax->is_compound;echo '
'.$tax_label .':</td><td>'.$tax_f_amount .'</td></tr>';}echo '</table>';

如果您想显示诸如 Reduced rate (%8)Standart rate (%18) 之类的内容,您可以自定义税名"" 在税收设置中针对每个税率中的每个税行(但它会显示在任何地方,而不仅仅是在您的自定义 PDF 插件中).

此外,Tax 类仅用于设置目的和管理员视图.

I'm making personal a PDF invoice plugin for woocommerce.

Some of our products has tax with Reduced rate (%8) or Standart rate (%18). For example, Product A = Reduced rate (%8), Product B = Standart rate (%18). I can get total of tax amount easily but I want to print with sperate tax total amounts with tax class.

How to get total Reduced rate tax amount of an order? Also Standart rate.

How can I echo them separately?


You can simply use the dedicated WC_Abstract_Order method get_tax_totals() (as Woocommerce uses for separated tax rows) and you will have the tax label percentage that is set in each tax line settings.

The Rate code $rate_code is made up of COUNTRY-STATE-NAME-Priority.
For example: GB-VAT-1 or US-AL-TAX-1.

The code to display separated tax rows:

// Get the WC_Order instance Object from the Order ID (if needed)
$order = wc_get_order($order_id);

// Output the tax rows in a table
echo '<table>';
foreach ( $order->get_tax_totals() as $rate_code => $tax ) {
    $tax_rate_id  = $tax->rate_id;
    $tax_label    = $tax->label;
    $tax_amount   = $tax->amount;
    $tax_f_amount = $tax->formatted_amount;
    $compound     = $tax->is_compound;
    echo '<tr><td>' . $tax_label  . ': </td><td>' . $tax_f_amount . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';

Additionally, the Tax class is just for settings purpose and for admin view.


10-23 17:59