

假设我在UIStackView中添加了更多可以显示的视图,如何使 UIStackView 滚动?

Let's say I have added more views in UIStackView which can be displayed, how I can make the UIStackView scroll?



In case anyone is looking for a solution without code, I created an example to do this completely in the storyboard, using Auto Layout.



Basically, to recreate the example:

  1. 创建 UIScrollView ,并设置其约束。

  2. UIStackView 添加到 UIScrollView

  3. 设置约束:前导追踪热门& 底部应该等于 UIScrollView

  4. 设置相等UIStackView和 UIScrollView 之间的宽度约束。

  5. 在UIStackView上设置Axis = Vertical,Alignment = Fill,Distribution = Equal Spacing和Spacing = 0

  6. 添加一些 UIViews UIStackView

  7. 运行

  1. Create a UIScrollView, and set its constraints.
  2. Add a UIStackView to the UIScrollView
  3. Set the constraints: Leading, Trailing, Top & Bottom should be equal to the ones from UIScrollView
  4. Set up an equal Width constraint between the UIStackView and UIScrollView.
  5. Set Axis = Vertical, Alignment = Fill, Distribution = Equal Spacing, and Spacing = 0 on the UIStackView
  6. Add a number of UIViews to the UIStackView
  7. Run


09-15 07:26