我目前使用的是 Subsonic 3.03 Active Record 存储库.
I'm currently using Subsonic 3.03 Active Record repository.
I have setup a Test connection string to utilise the dummy internal storage.
public void TestInitialize()
List<ServiceJob> jobs = new List<ServiceJob>()
new ServiceJob() { ServiceJobID = 1 },
new ServiceJob() { ServiceJobID = 2 }
public void TestMethod()
ServiceJob job = ServiceJob.SingleOrDefault(s => s.ServiceJobID == 2);
Assert.AreEqual(2, job.ServiceJobID);
我期待这个单元测试通过,但它拉出第一个服务作业并失败.我在使用其他糖方法(例如 .Find())时也遇到过问题.
I'm expecting this unit-test to pass, but it pulls out the first service job and fails.I've also experienced problems using other sugar methods such as .Find().
在使用 IQueryable 接口(例如 ServiceJob.All.Where(s => s.ServiceJobID == 2))时它工作正常,但不要为了测试目的而去掉糖!
It works fine when using the IQueryable interface such as ServiceJob.All.Where(s => s.ServiceJobID == 2) but don't fancy stripping out the sugar for testing purposes!
Great product by the way, really impressed so far.
正如你所说,这看起来绝对是一个错误.您应该将其作为问题提交给 github:
As you say this looks like it's definitely a bug. You should submit it as an issue to github: