" Mark A. Odell" < OD ******* @ hotmail.com>在消息中写道 news:Xn ******************************** @ 130.133.1 。 4 ... "Mark A. Odell" <od*******@hotmail.com> wrote in messagenews:Xn********************************@130.133.1. 4..." Spike" < me.hates:SP ** @ me.net>在新闻中写道:9w ********************* @ newsc.telia.net: "Spike" <me.hates:sp**@me.net> wrote in news:9w*********************@newsc.telia.net:嗨我是使用GCC(和NASM)通过asm表发送... Hi I''m using GCC (and NASM) to send over a asm table... 您是否读过有关打包结构的编译器文档? C 编译器可以在结构的第一个元素之后添加填充字节。 Have you read you compiler documentation about packing structs? C compilers can add padding bytes after the first element of a struct. 第一个之后?任何成员之后都可以填充(出于某种原因,我不知道,大多数人说成员之间和最后一个成员之后)。 Alex After the first? There can be padding after any member (for some reason Idon''t understand, most people say "between members and after the lastmember"). Alex 这篇关于结构问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 10-27 23:27