本文介绍了Rails Edge/4 `require' 错误:无法加载此类文件 -- thread_safe的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


按照此处的说明获取运行 Rails Edge 的应用程序以测试 Rails 4:生成使用边缘的 Rails 应用?如何创建 Edge rails 应用程序?

Following ths instructions here for getting an app running off Rails Edge to test Rails 4:What is the best way to generate a Rails app using edge?andHow to create Edge rails application?


`require': cannot load such file -- thread_safe (LoadError)


rails new Edge --edge --skip-bundle --database=postgresql --skip-test-unit --skip-index-html

Rails master bin 目录的结帐在我的路径上.

A checkout of Rails master bin dir is on my path.

我使用 rbenv 和 ruby​​ 1.9.3p327.

I am using rbenv with ruby 1.9.3p327.

我已经清除了所有已安装的 gem,只需运行 bundler.

I have cleared all my installed gems out, just running bundler.

Rails 3.2.9 在我的系统上运行良好,有一个正在积极开发的应用程序.

Rails 3.2.9 works fine on my system, have an app in active development.


问题是没有安装 rails gems(当通过 ruby​​gems 安装时,依赖项会自动解决.

Issue is not having the rails gems installed (when installing via rubygems, dependencies are automatically resolved.


需要进入克隆的 rails 目录并运行bundle install",这将拉入必要的 gem.

Need to go into the cloned rails dir and run "bundle install", which will pull in the necessary gems.

这篇关于Rails Edge/4 `require' 错误:无法加载此类文件 -- thread_safe的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 17:52