我试图在 python 中猜数字游戏,但每当我猜它重复 4 次时,'你的猜测太低了'
I tried to make a guess the number game in python but whenever I guess it repeats 4 times 'your guess is too low'
import random
number = random.randint(1, 20)
guessestaken = 0
print('I am thinking of a number between 1 and 20 ')
guess = raw_input('Take a guess and hit enter')
while guessestaken < 4:
guessestaken = guessestaken + 1
if guess > number:
print('your number is too low')
if guess < number:
print('your number is too high ')
if guess == number:
print('well done the number was ' + number + ' and you got it in ' + guessestaken + '')
您在 while 循环之前要求用户输入.
You are asking for the user input before the while loop.
guess = int(raw_input('Take a guess and hit enter'))
这个语句应该出现在 while 块中.
This statement should come within the while block.
函数 raw_input 返回一个字符串,你应该把它转换成一个整数.您可以在文档中阅读更多相关信息.
The function raw_input returns a string, you should convert it to an integer. You can read more about it in the Documentation.