

我想知道是否有任何开源推荐引擎可用?它应该建议像亚马逊和Netflix这样的东西.我听说过一个名为 Apache Mahout-Taste 的框架.下周我要尝试.如果您可以分享自己的宝贵想法,那将是很好的.

I was wondering if there is any open source recommendation engine available? It should suggest something like Amazon and Netflix. I have heard of a framework called Apache Mahout - Taste. I am trying it next week. It would be great if you can share your valuable thoughts.


我是 Mahout 的开发人员/味道,希望它能满足您的需求,但出于利益考虑平衡的覆盖范围,让我也向您指出:

I'm the developer of Mahout / Taste, and hope it will do what you need, but in the interest of balanced coverage, let me also point you at:

  • Duine
  • CoFE
  • Cofi


08-19 01:30