


我刚刚使用Ruby 1.9.2设置了我的Web服务器。这是全新安装-尚未安装任何gem。另外,我刚刚为我的Rails应用程序配置了Capistrano。

I've just set up my web server with Ruby 1.9.2. It is a clean install -- no gems have been installed yet. Additionally, I've just configured Capistrano for my Rails application.

当我运行 cap deploy 时,失败以下错误消息:

When I run cap deploy, it fails with the following error message:

*** [err :: bogusip.com] bash: bundle: command not found

鉴于我所做的只是在服务器上安装了Ruby 1.9.2,Bundler目前不存在。 Capistrano应该为我安装Bundler gem还是我自己完成?

Given that all I've done is install Ruby 1.9.2 onto my server, Bundler does not exist at this point. Is Capistrano supposed to install the Bundler gem for me or am I supposed to do that myself?



Bundler is not included with ruby by default, it is included by rails. This will be why you have never installed it manually.


10-26 19:46