This probably has an obvious answer, but I'm a beginner. I've got a "module" (really just a file with a bunch of functions I often use) at the beginning of which I import a number of other modules. Because I work on many systems, however, not all modules may be able to load on any particular machine. To make things slightly more difficult, I also change the names of the packages when I import them -- for example, matplotlib gets abbreviated to mp.
What I'd like to do is only load those modules that exist on the system I'm currently using, and do some error handling on the ones that don't. The only way I can think of doing so is by enclosing each import statement inside its own try block, which seems pretty un-pythonic. If I enclose them all in the same try block, whichever module throws an error will prevent the subsequent modules from being loaded. Any ideas that might make things look prettier? It would be so easy if I didn't want to change their names...
我不认为try except
I don't think try except
block is un-pythonic; instead it's a common way to handle import on Python.
引用深入Python :
下一个示例演示了如何 使用异常来支持 平台特定的功能.
The next example demonstrates how to use an exception to support platform-specific functionality.
import termios, TERMIOS
except ImportError:
import msvcrt
except ImportError:
from EasyDialogs import AskPassword
except ImportError:
getpass = default_getpass
getpass = AskPassword
getpass = win_getpass
getpass = unix_getpass