

我在Java中使用了 synchronized 关键字和可重入锁定,但我不明白它们之间的区别,或者哪种情况适合于给定的情况。

I have used the synchronized keyword and re-entrant locks in Java, but I don't understand how they differ, or which is appropriate for a given situation.

我如何决定何时使用 synchronized 以及什么时候应该使用可重入锁?

How do I decide when should I use synchronized and when I should use re-entrant locks?


A 是:


  1. 能够拥有多个。使用synchronized关键字的监视器只能有一个。这意味着可重入锁支持多个wait()/ notify()队列。

  2. 进行锁定的能力。同步块是不公平的。

  1. The ability to have more than one condition variable per monitor. Monitors that use the synchronized keyword can only have one. This means reentrant locks support more than one wait()/notify() queue.
  2. The ability to make the lock fair. Synchronized blocks are unfair.

  • 能否检查是否持有锁。

  • 获取等待的线程列表的能力锁定。

  • 可重入锁的缺点是:

    1. 需要添加import语句。

    2. 需要在try / finally块中包装锁定获取。这使得它比synchronized关键字更难看。

    3. synchronized 关键字可以放在方法定义中,避免了对块的需要这减少了嵌套。

    1. Need to add import statement.
    2. Need to wrap lock acquisitions in a try/finally block. This makes it more ugly than the synchronized keyword.
    3. The synchronized keyword can be put in method definitions which avoids the need for a block which reduces nesting.


    synchronized 关键字在语法上更好,但是Reentrant锁具有更多功能。

    The synchronized keyword is syntactically nicer, but the Reentrant lock has more features.


    08-03 21:23