I would like to ask, if there is possibility to add default value when I create greenDao database?
Property pictureIdProperty = user.addLongProperty("pictureId").getProperty();
Property thumbnailIdProperty = user.addLongProperty("thumbnailId").getProperty();
//and here I need something like this:
//thumbnailIdProperty.setDefault(-1); //there is possible to add
user.addToOne(picture, pictureIdProperty);
user.addToOne(picture, thumbnailIdProperty, "thumbnail");
And when I'm using database and this table then there is no need to add default value always when I create this model.
我不相信这是由GreenDAO项目这是当今任何官方的支持,但我有一个想法。 SQLite支持可应用到列的表约束。对于,低于code座显示了<$ c中的默认值$ C>城市表中的列人
I do not believe there is any official support by the GreenDAO project for this as of today but I have an idea. Sqlite supports the DEFAULT table constraint which can be applied to a column. For example, the code block below shows the default value for the City
column in table Persons
is 'Sandnes'.
P_Id int NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255) DEFAULT 'Sandnes'
的约束,我们可以破解生成的 DAO
类。我将使用 OrderDAO.java 作为一个例子。以下代码段是GreenDAO产生code 创建表
Knowing sqlite supports the Default
constraint, we can hack the generated DAO
class. I'll use OrderDAO.java as an example. The below snippet is the GreenDAO generated code create table
code block:
public static void createTable(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean ifNotExists) {
String constraint = ifNotExists? "IF NOT EXISTS ": "";
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + constraint + "'ORDERS' (" + //
"'_id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ," + // 0: id
"'DATE' INTEGER," + // 1: date
"'CUSTOMER_ID' INTEGER NOT NULL );"); // 2: customerId
现在,我们可以的最有可能的修改此支持 DEFUALT
约束。通过添加上述code座一相关行更改 DEFAULT(-1)
Now we can most likely modify this to support the DEFUALT
constraint. Change last relevant line in the above code block by adding DEFAULT(-1)
"'CUSTOMER_ID' INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT(-1));"); // 2: customerId
Note: When testing this change, make sure to either increment your sqlite schema version or re-install your app so the database gets recreated.
这篇关于Android的 - 在GreenDao数据库中添加默认值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!