


As I understand there are two camps concerning this question - the first one thinks that finalizer is a destructor specific to C#. So they think that these two things are the same.

第二个阵营认为两者之间存在细微差异-用Wikipedia编写-术语析构函数通常用于意思是确定性地调用清除,而当垃圾收集器说运行它时,将运行 finalizer。

The second camp thinks that there's a slight difference - written in Wikipedia - "the term "destructor" is typically used to mean a deterministically-invoked cleanup, whereas a "finalizer" runs when the garbage collector says to run it."


But let me clarify something for myself. Deterministically-invoked cleanup? In C# specification and msdn it's written that destructors cannot be invoked(they are invoked automatically). The only case when they may be invoked automatically is by garbage collector.


So I don't see any difference between deterministically-invoked cleanup and the case with the garbage collector.




In C# finalizer and destructor are different names for the same thing.

C#语言规范(实际上将它们称为析构函数。但是,由于名称析构函数很容易被误认为是C ++对应词(与C#中的析构函数完全不同),因此可以使用术语终结器代替。

The C# language specification ( actually refers to these as Destructors. However, as the name destructor may easily be mistaken for the C++ counterpart(which is quite different from a destructor in C#) it makes sense to use the term finalizer instead.


09-05 00:30