

从Java 7开始,实际上字符串不再存储在permgen区域。相反,它们存储在正常的堆空间中,这意味着它们必须经历一半的GC和完整的GC。现在,在半个GC之后,那些生存下来的实习生必须从年轻一代转移到老一代。

From Java 7 interned Strings are no longer stored in permgen area. Rather they are stored in normal heap space which means they must undergo half GC and full GC. Now after half GC those interned String that survive must be transfered from young to old generation.

  • 这是否意味着年轻一代和老一代都有此字符串投票?


Next lets say a string in interned. They I define an string literal with same content then in that case it has to point to same string innstance in the pool.

  • 因此JVM必须在年轻和年老的



You're confusing the logical layout of the intern table with its physical arrangement in memory. The intern table is just a hash table with chaining on collisions, logically (though not physically) similar to a HashMap. When interning a string, the JVM hashes it, then looks in the appropriate bucket and either returns the string it finds or adds the new string to the bucket.


This is orthogonal to the garbage collector's management of generations. Indeed, some collectors have more than two generations, and the G1 (pronounced "garbage first") collector can use multiple regions for new or old objects. When looking up a string, the JVM simply does a hash table lookup and follows some references/pointers, not a separate search in each generation/region as you suggest.


08-27 08:11