新版本的Jython 2.7.0独立版的大小为36155 KB;先前发布的2.5.3版本为14005 KB.
The new version of Jython 2.7.0 standalone weighs in at 36155 KB; the previous released version 2.5.3 is 14005 KB.
Is there any way to safely remove functionality from the .jar file, if certain Python packages are not needed? I want to use the updated Jython release but the file size is an issue now, much more so than 2.5.3.
From the Jython developer mailing list:
删除它应该是直接编程问题 ICU4J依赖性.可能是此优化和其他优化,尤其是 启动时间,适合Google Summer of Code学生, 鉴于我们计划今年夏天参加.
It should be a straightforward matter of programming to remove this ICU4J dependency. Possibly this and other optimizations, especially startup time, would be suitable for a Google Summer of Code student, given that we are planning to participate this summer.