

我试图告诉 applescript 打开应用程序、Application Loader,然后从窗口中的下拉列表中进行选择.应该选择的项目将始终是第一个项目.我该怎么做呢?提前致谢.

I'm trying to tell applescript to open the app, Application Loader, and choose from the drop down list that's in the window. The item that should be chosen will always be the very first item. How do i do this? Thanks in advance.


哇,我终于搞定了!我几乎对我的脚本很生气,所以我只是输入了一个随机的 ASCII 数字,它神奇地起作用了.我很开心啊哈:)

Wow I finally got it working! I pretty much got mad at my script so I just put a random ASCII number and it magically worked. I got pretty happy aha :)

activate application "Application Loader"
tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Application Loader"
        tell the first combo box of window 1
            delay 3
            keystroke (ASCII character 30)
            keystroke (ASCII character 12)
            keystroke return
        end tell
    end tell
end tell


10-25 04:28