

我们最近更改了对轻量级应用程序的一些系统要求(它本质上是一个连接到运行 IBM UniVerse 的大型机"的瘦 gui 客户端).我们根本没有更改我们的最低要求,但更改了我们推荐的要求以匹配 Windows 7 和 Vista(因为我们在这些机器上运行).

We recently changed some of our system requirements on a light weight application (it is essentially a thin gui client that connects to a "mainframe" that runs IBM UniVerse). We didn't change our minimum requirements at all, but changed our recommended requirements to match those of Windows 7 and Vista (since we run on those machines).

某些系统要求相当容易确定(即:网卡、硬盘空间等...).但是 CPU 和 RAM 更难确定.

Some system requirements are fairly easy to determine (ie: network card, hard drive space, etc...). But CPU and RAM are harder to nail down.

我们当前对 CPU 和 RAM 的最低要求列表均指出,您必须满足操作系统的最低要求.这对我们来说似乎相当合理,因为我们的应用程序仅使用 15MB 或活动内存和很少的 CPU(在这种情况下,它是一个简单的 GUI),所以它可以工作.这看起来不错,没有人抱怨这一点.

Our current list of minimum requirements for CPU and RAM both state that you have to meet the minimum's for your operating system. That seems fairly reasonable to us, since our app uses only 15MB or active memory and very little CPU (it's a simple GUI, in this case), so that works. This seems fine, no one complains about that.

不过,当谈到推荐的要求时,我们在确定细节方面遇到了麻烦,尤其是现在,当您开始谈论多核处理器、原子处理器等时,如果说最低 1.6 GHz(或类似的)可能意味着任何事情...瘦客户端开始做更密集的事情(例如,它现在包含一个嵌入式网络浏览器,以帮助显示更多用户友好的 html 页面).

When it comes to recommended requirements though, we've run into trouble nailing down specifics, especially nowadays, when saying minimum 1.6 gHz (or similar) can mean anything when you start talking about multi-core processors, atom processors, etc... The thin client is starting to do more intensive stuff (it now contains an embedded web browser to help display more user friendly html pages, for example).

  • 确定 CPU 和 RAM 的推荐值的好方法是什么?
  • 您是否采用 O/S 的推荐值并将您的使用值添加到顶部(那么我们是否会说 Vista 机器为 1GB?)?
  • 有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?

(注意:这在本质上类似于服务器问题 此处,但来自应用程序库)

(Note: this is similar in nature to the server question here, but from an application base instead)




First, test your application on a minimum configuration machine. What bottlenecks if any exist?

  • 它是否会导致大量磁盘交换?如果是这样,您需要更多 RAM.
  • 执行常规操作(不包括内存使用)时通常会很慢,然后增加处理器要求.
  • 它是否需要超出应用程序占用空间的磁盘空间,例如用于文件处理?列出来.
  • 您的应用是否依赖于芯片上的某些指令集?(SSE、执行禁用位、英特尔虚拟化等).如果是这样,那么您必须列出哪些处理器实际上可以与该应用配合使用.


Typically speaking, if the app works fine when using a minimum configuration for the OS; then your "recommended" configuration should be identical to the OS's recommended.

归根结底,您可能需要手头有几台机器来进行分析.在这种情况下,虚拟机不是一个好的选择.根据定义,VM 和主机操作系统会产生影响.此外,仅仅因为您可以降低某个处理器的速度,并不意味着它的运行级别与通常为该级别构建的处理器相似.

At the end of the day, you probably need to have a couple of machines on hand to profile. Virtual machines are NOT a good option in this case. By definition, the VM and the host OS will have an impact. Further, just because you can throttle a certain processor down doesn't mean that it is running at a similar level to a processor normally built for that level.

例如,限制为仅使用一个内核的双核 1.8 GHz 处理器仍然与 P4 1.8 GHz 处理器截然不同.存在架构差异以及 L2 和 L3 缓存更改.

For example, a Dual Core 1.8 GHz processor throttled to only use one core is still a very different beast than a P4 1.8 GHz processor. There are architectural differences as well as L2 and L3 cache changes.

出于同样的原因,配备 P4 处理器的机器使用的 RAM 类型与配备双核的机器不同(DDR 与 DDR2).RAM 速度确实有影响.

By the same token, a machine with a P4 processor uses a different type of RAM than one with a dual core (DDR vs DDR2). RAM speeds do have an impact.


So, try to stick to the OS recommendations as they've already done the hard part for you.


08-27 14:20